Savannah Smiles introduced as new Girl Scout cookie
To celebrate its 100th anniversary, the Girl Scouts are introducing a new cookie to its beloved Girl Scout cookie lineup.
Made by Little Brownie Bakers, the latest addition to the Girl Scout cookie lineup is a lemon treat called Savannah Smiles.
“Celebrate the anniversary of Girl Scouts with these bite-sized, lemon-wedge cookies dusted in powdered sugar and bursting with zesty lemon flavor. Enjoy these delightful treats, remember where Girl Scouring began…and smile,” the Girl Scout cookie site states.
Little Brownie Bakers explains the significance of the cookie.
No place captures the imaginations of Girl Scouts like Savannah, Georgia. It was there in 1912 that Juliette Gordon Low started her amazing organization with a telephone call, the English Girl Guide handbook, a handful of badges and her mind bubbling over with the endless possibilities her program could provide for American girls.
Little Brownie Bakers is proud to pay tribute to the 100th anniversary of Girl Scouting with a lemon cookie that reflects the heritage of past customer favorites. This lemon wedge cookie is cool and crisp, with just the right number of lemon chips to deliver tiny bursts of flavor. And, when you hold it right, you’ll quickly be reminded of that world-famous “Brownie Smile.”
Eager to get your Girl Scout cookie fix? Search for places to purchase your cookies here.