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Sony Bashes EA Access, Then Offers 90 Day Last-Gen Game Rentals for Full Title Price

Katy Hollingsworth

Playstation Now was just released into beta, and though Sony just finished throwing trash all over EA Access, you can rent old games for the full title price.

PlayStation now is Sony’s answer to subscription models that allow gamers to rent, or borrow, older titles on their consoles for a monthly membership fee. It sounds great on paper, right? You can replay some of your favorites on your current gen console for a low price.

Well, not a low price. In fact, for some titles, you may end up paying the full price.

Playstation Now is currently offering games like F1 2013, originally released on the PS3, for a whopping $49.99. That’s almost the full price of the game–and what’s worse, you don’t even get to keep it. That’s the price for a 90 day rental.

Outlets like Best Buy and GameStop aren’t very well known for their used game prices. Some gamers claim they’re way too high, but I think Sony takes the cake in that regard.

Gamers interested in used or older titles are probably better off holding on to the last generation and just buying older titles from these stores rather than pay hundreds of dollars to rent games.

Senior director Jack Buser says that Sony is listening to feedback from gamers in regards to the Playstation Now beta, and let’s all hope that they’re listening to feedback on prices–because if anyone should be crapped on for subscription service prices, it should be Sony.

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