Small Things Matter!
After the holidays are over in most of the country it is just cold and gloomy. Trudging to and from classes takes on the romance of a novel about Russian peasants. The best classes are usually bearable but the worst ones have turned into mammoth gargoyle creatures that seem bent on your personal destruction. Here are five favorite things to use everyday to beat the winter blues.
1. Agloves. Without a doubt the best pieces of clothing ever invented. Agloves are woven with silver so that they transfer the body’s electrical current to the tips of all ten fingers. The silver threads make the gloves thin and warm because they are conductive. It’s possible to use your smart phone and touch devices with them on. Unlike some other gloves that only have fingertip conductivity, Agloves aren’t bulky and they don’t look weird. It’s also possible to text and scroll with any of your fingers.
2. A comfortable set of dorm room bedding. There isn’t anything as nice as a warm comforter when you come back to your dorm room exhausted and cold.
3. L-Lysine Ointment with Vitamin A, D & E plus Cocoa Butter by Basic Organics. Cheap and unassuming this little jar of clear lip balm makes winter cold sores a thing of the past. The amino acid lysine has been used for years as a dietary supplement to boost the immune system and prevent the outbreak of cold sores. Putting it into an ointment is a brilliant move. An added bonus is that the ointment is flavorless and odorless.
4. Xobhats. Made out of recycled sweatshirt material these hats are soft and they don’t itch. The company is the brainchild of a bunch of college kids out of Colorado. Cute and stylish these hats are also warm, unisex and durable. They crush into a backpack or purse easily and always look great.
5. REI base layer long sleeve T-shirts. Base layers are used by serious athletes and hikers to beat the cold. Most college students should have a few to get to and from class on really cold days. The materials are engineered to beat the cold by wicking moisture away from your body while retaining heat. Several companies make base layers including Under Armour. The ones from REI are uncommonly soft and they wear like iron looking great wash after wash.