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How to develop willpower

Whether you’ve made a vow to lose weight or quit smoking, willpower is an essential part of what it take to achieve that goal. It’s true, some people have more willpower than others, but you can improve your willpower skills over time. How can you do that? “Street Smarts: Beyond the Diploma” know what to do.

Connect the act, or refraining from it, with the result you want

Want to lose weight? Connect the act of going to the gym or refrianing from junk food with the physique you want. By connecting an act with a desired result, you will be more motivated to commit to it.

How badly do you want it?

Ask yourself how committed you are to that goal. Goals like dieting can be difficult to stick to and require a lot of willpowr in order to accomplish them. If you’re not that committed to your goal, then maybe you should reconsider pursuing it. Wait until you are more motivated.

Don’t push yourself too hard

Like a muscle, your willpower can fatigue if you push yourself too much. Allow yourself to relax and regain your strength rather than pushing through it and collapsing under the weight of it all. If you’re taking on too many tasks that require willpower you’re more likely to quit.

Make a contract with yourself

By writing down your goals, and your vows to keep them, you are more likely to hold yourself accountable.

Take on the challenge in increments

Don’t try to take on any challenge by going “cold turkey.” In other words, don’t try to take on too much at once. If you decide to go on a diet, don’t change your current too drastically at once. Take it step by step. Perhaps, start by eliminating sugary drinks and replacing them with water. Once you’re comfortable with that, begin eliminating junk food and so on. By giving yourself small challenges to overcome, you’re more likely to succeed and reach your ultimate goal.

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