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Men Wear Watches

A life lived true is a life of adventure. Deep down, all men know this.

For a man, the call to adventure is palpable. We hear it deep within our souls.

Which is why so many men choose to go on a solo backpacking trip—it’s a choice to leave everything that is known and plunge ourselves into the unknown. Into risk and adventure. Our rite of passage.

I still remember when I made the choice to travel abroad for nearly a year. I was terrified and exhilarated at the same time. I didn’t know what would happen to me, or what challenges I would meet out there. And truthfully, I didn’t care. I only wanted to experience the world.

As I was preparing to leave, my dad handed me an analog watch and said simply, “You’ll need this.” Given that I had a cell-phone at the time, I kind of shrugged it off and slipped it on my wrist reluctantly.

After only one week abroad, I was so thankful he had given me that watch. What I didn’t realize until that moment was that the most important part of an adventure is time – knowing the time is what connects you to the rest of the world.

As I progressed through different cities and landscapes, I became more and more appreciative of that watch. From catching trains, planes and actual horse-drawn buggies to meeting up with newfound friends and lovers, it always kept me on track.

This is the reason Men Wear Watches came into existence—because every man on an adventure needs a reliable source of time; they need a watch.

Not an expensive watch you’re afraid to break. Not an electronic watch that will lose charge after half a day of use. Us men need a reliable analog watch that we didn’t pay an arm and a leg for. One that fits our particular taste and budget.

The hardest part about finding a good watch is finding one that really resonates with who you are at your core.

And this is where Men Wear Watches can help. At Men Wear Watches, we provide a wide variety of quality analog watches at affordable prices.

We believe that the watch needs to fit who you are, so we scour the corners of the earth for the best style and quality of watches, and provide them for prices you can afford.

So you can stay true to your adventure.

To find a watch that fits your story, visit

And as always, stay true to your journey.

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