Oscar winners reunite on the big screen for the first time in 14 years
Fourteen years after “Good Will Hunting,” actors Matt Damon and Ben Affleck are reuniting on a new film. The Boston natives will team up together on a film about infamous mobster Whitey Bulger, the leader of the Winter Hill gang who was arrest this past June. Damon is set to star as Bulger, and Affleck will direct.
It will be Affleck’s fourth or fifth film as a director, depending on when it shoots. Affleck is currently wrapping up work on his third, the CIA thriller, “Argo.” He is rumored to be up for director of the adaptation of Stephen King’s “The Stand.” Damon will film the Liberace film for HBO next summer and recently announced he will direct his first picture, which he will co-write and co-star in with John Krasinski.
Damon has previous experience with Irish mob films, having co-starred in Martin Scorsese’s “The Departed,” in which he played an undercover mobster working as a Boston policeman.
For more information, go here.