HTC Allows Android Users To Be A Part Of The Bigger Picture With New Power To Give App
Adrianna Velazquez

HTC is allowing people around the globe to become an integral part of the bigger picture by simply downloading their Power To Give app on their Android phones, plugging it in and connecting to Wi-Fi.
The app is an initiative to aid scientific research for projects dedicated to researching cures for cancer, AIDS and Alzheimer’s disease as well as projects dedicated to understanding climate change and searching for extraterrestrial life.
So how does downloading their app, plugging in your phone and connecting to Wi-Fi make you an integral part of their initiative?
By doing so, the app runs in the background while your phone is charging and receives research projects that it utilizes your phone’s processing power for meaningful number crunching that it then returns to the beneficiary.
Being a part of HTC’s initiative doesn’t diminish your battery or use your data but rather allows you to be an integral part of the future in a simple, yet very powerful way.
According to HTC, the processing power of 1 million Ones is comparable to the power of a single one-petaflop supercomputer so the more users, the more powerful.
The Power To Give app currently hosts 9 projects run by universities and independent researchers that include but are not limited to: projects that revolve around asteroids, cancer research, ebola research, mathematics and more.
The app targets colleges and universities as a way for students to get involved with causes and projects that interest them. However, the app is available to any Android users and is available for download from the Google Play Store.