Hillary Clinton vs Bernie Sanders: Clinton came out on top of the democratic presidential debate
In the Hillary Clinton vs Bernie Sanders standoff, Hillary Clinton proved why she is the leading front-runner, delivering a strong, polished performance in the campaign’s first Democratic presidential debate. Clinton spoke with confidence, aired her vision and experience to enforce change, and adeptly answered questions about her core values during the Democratic presidential debate. Clinton used an analogy to describe her own personal challenges and the resilience of America itself as the nation continues to recover from the recession. “The issue is not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get back up,” said Clinton, who gracefully defended her position on the Trans Pacific Trade deal, the Keystone XL Pipeline, and gay marriage.
Clinton firmly revealed her political stance during the Democratic presidential debate, arguing in favor of paid maternity leave and family medical leave. Clinton, appealing to the social aspects of the party, emphasized woman’s rights. “Republicans don’t mind having big government interfere with a woman’s right to choose, “said Clinton, who spoke out against the Republican Party during the Democratic presidential debate, calling their attacks on Planned Parenthood “typical Republican scare tactics.”
In recent weeks, Clinton has also reached out to minority voters by advocating strong coalition building in support of their platforms. Clinton has met representatives of the Black Lives Matter movement and criticized the current immigration legislation. During the Democratic presidential debate, she challenged Republicans on many social and economic issues; labeling herself a progressive who can get things done. “I am campaigning because I think I have the right combination of what the country needs at this point and I think I can take the fight to the Republicans because we cannot afford a Republican to succeed Barack Obama as president of the United States,” said Clinton.
While Clinton came out on top of the Democratic presidential debate, Bernie Sanders proved to be an effective player, solidifying his second place spot. Sanders made his platform clear during the presidential debate as he railed against corporations and income inequality.
Sanders said, “It is wrong today in a rigged economy that 57% of all new income is going to the top 1%.”
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Sanders stayed on track and made his message clear. He remained consistent about his stand on Wall Street, income inequality, using military force to protect US interest, and his role in passing an upgrade for veteran health care. He even discussed how he would prepare the budget for college education, medical leave, and universal health care, consistent with his anti-corporate, anti-billionaire philosophy calling it “democratic socialism”. “In my view, Congress doesn’t regulate Wall Street, Wall Street regulates Congress,” Sanders said.
Sanders targeted Clinton during the Democratic presidential debate and questioned her Wall Street record and Iraq vote. Clinton’s response put him on the defensive, pointing out his lack of support for gun control and his poor standing with minority voters. “The challenge that Sanders faces reaching out to minority voters, who are a vital part of the Democratic Party voting bloc, was underscored by a new CNN poll Monday finding that only 1% of nonwhite voters in the important early voting state of South Carolina favor him,” stated CNN reporter Stephen Collinson. This data suggests what Sanders must improve on to compete with Clinton heading into the second round of the Democratic presidential debate.
Martin O’Malley came in third place and gained some attention during the debate. O’Malley kept to his strategy and focused on the front-runner Clinton. Both Sanders and O’Malley grilled Clinton over her decision for a no-fly zone in Syria. O’Malley warned it could cause an unwanted clash with Russia operating over the war-torn Middle Eastern nation. Clinton defended her position and said that the United States must stand up to Russia and Putin’s “bullying” and take “more of a leadership position” to help end the war in Syria. Former Rhode Island Senator/Governor Lincoln Chafee and Virginia Senator Jim Webb, for the most part, remained marginal and ineffective.
The Democratic presidential debate clearly brought forth liberal issues to the forefront as voters consider who should be the party’s nominee in the next presidential election. Clinton came out on top of the Democratic Presidential debate, as Sanders remains in second place. Clinton again, through her proven record of accomplishment and expertise, reveals why she remains an effective nominee for the 2016 presidential election.