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'Friends' reunion rumors prove false

Meredith Dobes

The fake "Friends" reunion poster has circulated the Internet for months.

Fans envision their own reunions, anyway

A Friends reunion, or at least rumors of one, had the Internet running wild Tuesday. The rumor reportedly started with KHITS, a radio station based in Tulsa, OK. The radio station posted an image of the orange couch from Central Perk with the text, “Friends. The One With The Reunion. Thanksgiving 2014.”

Friends co-creator Marta Kauffman told E! News that there is no reunion in the works, and the rumor is just a rumor.

Friends was about that time in your life when your friends are your family and once you have a family, there’s no need anymore,” Kauffman said, noting that a movie reunion of the series will never happen.

The unofficial Friends reunion image has actually been around for months. Friends star Matthew Perry (Chandler) tweeted in November 2012 that there was “zero truth to this rumor,” with a link to the picture in the tweet.

Friends cast members have been adamant that a reunion would only disappoint fans and that it is better to let them come up with their own visions of the group in their heads.

Friends co-executive producer Kevin Bright told TV Guide in November 2012 that the show was meant to be viewed intimately in living rooms, not on a movie screen, so a movie reunion is out of the question.

Friends stars continue to appear on each other’s new shows, now, so fans not need be completely disappointed with the lack of a reunion. Fans continue to come up with their own reunion visions, anyway, on Twitter and across the Internet.

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