Speculations arise when Colbert Report will be back on air
The Colbert Report has been inexplicably, yet temporarily, cancelled due to what sources are saying as a family emergency. Ticket holders in line to see Wednesday night’s fake-news show hosted by Stephan Colbert were disappointed as the taping was suspended, “due to unforeseen circumstances,” but a Comedy Central spokesman added that, “the show will air repeat episodes on Wednesday, February 15, and Thursday, February 16.” Wednesday nights show had scheduled Claire Danes as the guest.
The Colbert Report, according to Fox News, has never cancelled an episode in the seven years it has been running, and in the midst of this years Republican primaries, it seems the worst time for a suspension. Fox News reports the show, “achieves its highest ratings during election seasons. Colbert has been especially active this political cycle even starting his own super PAC.”
Buddy TV reports that the Colbert Report, “suggest that the halt was due to ‘an emergency in [Stephan] Colberts family,’” HuffPo adds that the comedian’s mother, Lorna, is seriously ill.”
Stephan Colbert, according to Fox News, usually updates his own social media accounts but has not updated his Twitter since Tuesday. However, upon further investigation, College News has discovered that Stephan Colbert’s personal Twitter account, @StehpenColbert, has been suspended.
Although Comedy Central had announced the decision to air re-runs on Wednesday and Thursday, there haven’t been any further reports on when the show is due to start production again.