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LRA leader Kony more popular than YouTube star Justin Bieber and sneezing Panda

Billy Gardner

LRA leader Kony amongst not so good company

See how Rush Limbaugh fits in

From Bieber to that one sneezing panda, a new YouTube star is born. Joseph Kony, the leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), gets 30 million hits on YouTube.

The LRA is a Christian extremist group known for atrocities against civilians, including rape, mutilation, killings, in some cases cannibalism and now famously for the kidnapping children and forcing them to fight for their cause. Invisible Children released a 30-minute YouTube documentary Kony 2012 to raise awareness about the deplorable acts of Joseph Kony and the LRA.

Jolly Okot was abducred by the LRA in 1986; she was forced to have sex with other soldiers and was considered an asset because of her skills in the English language. Today she is a director in Ugando for Invisible Children, 

“The most exciting thing about this film is that I’m so grateful that the world has been able to pay attention to an issue that has long been neglected,” Okot continued, “I think it is an eye-opener and I think this will push for Joseph Kony to be apprehended, and I think justice will get to him.”

Kony believes he is “spokesperson” for God and the LRA manifests the Holy Spirit in many forms. The Ugandan government claims the LRA has 1,000 to 1,500 soldiers but others speculate the numbers are higher reaching 3,000, half of which are assumed to be women and children.

Rush Limbaugh, when he’s not calling young girls “sluts” and “prostitutes,” made controversial comments on the United States’ stance against the LRA back in 2011, “Lord’s Resistance Army are Christians. They are fighting the Muslims in Sudan. And Obama has sent troops, United States troops to remove them from the battlefield, which means kill them.” He would later title the show “”Obama Invades Uganda, Targets Christians.”

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