Out of the Ordinary
Thirteen year-old Mallory Kievman creates Hiccupops to cure the hiccups
Lexi Elias

Indulge in the delicious new lollipops to get rid of those pesky hiccups
Everyone has his or her own way of trying to get rid of the hiccups that annoy us all. However, nothing ever seems to do the trick. Thirteen year-old Mallory Kievman from Connecticut found the cure to those pesky hiccups.
No, it is not holding your breath, drinking water upside down or having someone scare you. Rather, to get rid of hiccups, we get to eat Kievman’s delicious new lollipop treat, Hiccupops.
Kievman started trying to cure hiccups in the summer of 2010. Before coming to the conclusion of lollipops, the Connecticut teen tried inventing many different cures to come up with the solution to the hiccups.
Dr. Robynne Chutkan, a gastroenterologist with Medstar Georgetown University Hospital told WTOP, ”I think she tried over a hundred different remedies and researched this for two years … that is some really terrific research and development. Lots of home remedies use something that is either very sweet or very tart. So she used both. She used the tartness of the apple cider vinegar and the sweetness of sugar. So I think it is a really ingenious concept.”
Kievman explained to the New York Times how the lollipop does the trick:
Kievman’s secret ingredients in her lollipops are apple cider, vinegar and sugar. These combined ingredients triggers a set of nerves in the throat and mouth that are responsible for the hiccup reflex and stops the message to hiccup.
The Connecticut teen has started her own company and her product, Hiccupops, is now being commercialized.