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Campus Living

2015 Spring Staycation

Rosilene Taylor

Relax on Campus for Break

Oh my goodness, it is time for Spring Break! YAY!! But after all of the expenses of college living, combined with the stress of finals, work, and figuring out life; it is just not feasible to go out and splurge this year. No need to fret, in fact, you have come to the right place. This ENTIRE article is dedicated to figuring out what to do during your Spring Staycation! With all of the late night study sessions and early morning exams, you are sure to have been putting exorbitant amounts of stress on your mind and body. This is the perfect time to sit back and relax, while also keeping money in your bank accounts. 1.) Stress-free Me Time: Try doing things alone that will soothe and calm you. These could be any number of activities, but they are all easily achieved right here on campus. 2.) Movie Marathon: What good is the internet if you don’t utilize its entertainment sources when you have the chance? After that ‘Stress-free’ bubble bath, slip into some comfy clothing and fall into your most comfortable lounge chair. Sure, after a few hours of watching movies, you might just slip away into sleep. That’s okay though because… 3.) Catch up on sleep: The hours that you have spent forcing yourself to remain awake have surely taken a toll on you. Allow your body to tell you when it needs to rest and fall asleep whenever you may feel the urge. There is nothing more relaxing than that. 4.) Spend time with Friends: It is hard to keep healthy relationships when you first leave for college. In fact, that is usually when you are able to see who your true friends are because as you move forward in life, they are either along for the ride, or jumping off of the bus. When you have time to regroup between semesters, be sure to reconnect with your friends and loved ones. These relationships are imperative for your success in school and life. There are so many things to look forward to during your Staycation, especially simply having time to yourself. Don’t get down over not leaving campus during this break, instead, you should be sure to look at everything around you as a positive chance to regroup before you have to get back onto your grind.

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