One dog starts a fire and the other travels 900 miles from home!
In Altoona, Pennsylvania, Police say a dog that was trying to get a container of cupcakes left on a stovetop inadvertently started a fire in the home of the dog’s central Pennsylvania owner. The tenant’s landlord stated that he’d stopped by to let the dog out at around 8 p.m. and that when he looked in, he saw a fire on the stovetop and called 911. Investigators say that the dog had accidently turned the knob of the stove to the on position while trying to get at the cupcakes. The fire has been ruled accidental and the dog will not face arson charges.
Meanwhile, while one dog was starting a fire in his home, another dog was lost trying to get back to its Texas home after she got lost. Matt Turner, the dog’s owner told news agencies that his 11-month old miniature Australian Shepard, Bell, went missing from their home, north of Houston, Texas. After hitting social media and hanging flyers, Turner learned that his pooch was far from home. About 900 miles to be exact. Humane society workers in Orange Park, Florida, were able to track the dog’s micro-chip implant to her owner in Texas. Turner and his son flew to Florida to retrieve Bell.
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