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Mitt Romney calls for leaks investigation

Sara Hall

Mitt Romney is calling for a leaks investigation.

Sen. Diane Feinstein is refuting Romney’s requests

Mitt Romney is calling for a special leaks investigation after sensitive national security intelligence has allegedly come from the White House. Romney is stating “the time for stonewalling is over,” but his claims are not going unchallenged.

Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA) is expressing concern that Romney is politicizing the leaks investigation. Romney addressed the issue at the Veterans of Foreign Wars conference on Tuesday, saying President Barack Obama’s Secretary of Defense Bob Gates told members of the West Wing staff to “shut up” when he read about details behind the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound in the press.

Romney said that he was taken aback after he learned details about that raid and operational details were being leaked to the press. “This isn’t a partisan issue,” Romney said. “It’s a national security crisis.” He continued on to say, “Whoever provided classified information to the media seeking political advantage for the administration must be exposed, dismissed and punished.”

Sen. Feinstein told an audience at the National Press Club on Monday that she believes the leaks came directly from staff members within the White House. She continued to say Romney’s requests for a leaks investigation are not necessary. 

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