Giztopia.com Will Buy Your Used Cell Phone, Laptop, Tablet and MP3 player for Cash!
Editorial Staff

**This content is sponsored by Giztopia**
Are you wired in? Consumer electronics is one of the fastest growing retail segments within the United States at an estimated $206 Billion dollars in sales for 2012. Consumer Report has reported that the average American now owns 5 electronic devices at any one given time including tablets, laptops, cell phones, MP3 players and other portable devices. Of these 5 gizmos, most consumer electronic devices are replaced by a new model every 1.5 years in the case of a cell phones, and 2.5 years for most other devices.
So where do these old electronic devices usually go?? The trash or a junk drawer is the most common place where it is never to be used again. In fact it is estimated over 180 million cell phones alone will find their way into a landfill this year along with tens of millions of mp3 players, computers, tablets and more.
It goes without saying that this is a catastrophic trend for for the environment, and in the case of you the consumer, this is terrible for your wallet! At Giztopia.com we will PAY YOU to recycle your used cell phone, laptop, MP3 player, and tablet. We take gizmos in all conditions – Like New, Good, Average and even broken/ damaged! Your device does not even need to turn on to get a top dollar payout! We will even pre-pay for the shipping cost to get the device to us! We have the fastest payment in the industry, and our gizmo buy back selection and top dollar payouts cannot be matched by competitors.
Please read below to find a full summary of our service, and why you should sell back your used electronics to Giztopia.com!
Benefits of using our service include:
Easy to use website.
- No login required/ and no personal information saved.
- Free instant quote.
- Free prepaid shipping of your device to us.
Environmentally focused company.
- Our website has green based hosting.
- Gizmos we purchase in Excellent, Good or Average conditions are resold as a second hand device.
Gizmos in Damaged condition are refurbished
- We are electronic refurbishers so we repair or use all components of any gizmo sent in. Damaged plastic, glass etc., are recycled.
- 0% of any item sent to us ends up in a landfill. All is reusable.
We buy back a diverse range of cell phones, tablets, MP3 and laptops!
- 700+ models of cell phones, tablets, laptops and MP3 accepted in 4 condition types.
We are a safe and customer oriented company to work with.
- 100% data wipe guarantee.
- Payment to the client within 48 hours of item acceptance (lowest in the industry)
- Offer lasts 30 days from the quoted date.
- We are fair and honest, no bait and switch offer techniques with us!
We thank you for taking the time to read this article. The topic of electronics recycling is very important to us, and will sure to be a growing issue over the coming years as more and more consumer electronics are produced and disposed of. So please do your part to dispose of your electronics responsibly and be rewarded in cash to do so! You can find us at giztopia.com. Come by to chat or for a free instant quote that is generated by our easy to use website!
Also, as an exclusive deal to all College News.com readers, we have a special promotion offering 10% extra cash when you trade in your device this month. Please enter the promo code: CN2013 when selling back your gizmo to take advantage of this great offer!
Let go of your old gizmo!