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Top 10 Weirdest College Classes

Tom Allaway

10 of the weirdest college classes

College News explores the top 10 weirdest college classes on offer right now

Picking your college course can be difficult, I’m sure you remember. But for some, the search can take a bizarre turn—have you ever wondered how to be a wizard, or desperately needed to know the historical significance of Miley Cyrus? No? Well, we promise that some people do. College News takes a look at the top 10 weirdest college classes.

Demystifying the Hipster

We’ve all seen a hipster, heck, maybe you are a hipster—but have you ever considered what it means to be labeled one? One of our weirdest college classes has. Demystifying the Hipster seeks to explore the definitions, debates and history of the hipster so you can have a greater understanding of their identity and culture.

Tree Climbing

No, really. If you’re missing your childhood days of clambering up the tree in your local park, then this might just be the course for you. Cornell University asks “what about that big tree down the street you always wanted to climb, but couldn’t reach the first branch? Cornell Outdoor Education’s Tree Climbing course will teach you how to get up into the canopy of any tree.” Excited yet? Us neither—But someone must be.

How to Win a Beauty Pageant

Explore gender, race, class and sexuality surrounding the history of beauty pageants at Oberlin College in one of the weirdest college classes out there. If your life long goal is to win big and take that trophy home then this might be the course for you.

UFOs in American Society

Looking at the military, the scientific community, the national UFO organization and the press (among many more). Temple College explores the impact of UFO’s on American society. If you fancy a lifestyle akin to The X-Files, this could be the college Sci-Fi experience you’ve been waiting for. 

How to Stage a Revolution

With the way things are going, this addition to our weirdest college classes might be one to keep in your back pocket. The MIT’s How To Stage a Revolution teaches, “How revolutionaries have attempted to establish their ideals and realize their goals.” So, if you’re planning on having a particularly rebellious phase—this is the course for you. Please remember to take your own sword and shield, as these are not included.

Magic, Witchcraft and Religion from Stonehenge to Harry Potter

A small catch with this one, you’re going to need to fly to London. Oberlin college runs it’s program as part of a London exchange. But this seems fitting, as this addition to the weirdest college classes takes you through the different stages of magic and witchcraft, beginning with Stonehenge and ending with…. Harry Potter. Wands at the ready.

The Science of Superheroes

This course means to trick you into learning the ins and outs of physics by using the intricacies of your superhero knowledge. Don’t expect to come out of this course shooting spider webs or soaring over rooftops.


Explore the development of the selfie within this course. This addition to the weirdest college courses is in fact a writing course encouraging you to take and then analyze your selfies on a day-to-day basis. Who knows, by the end you might have mastered the art of taking the perfect selfie.


Everything about this course at the American University is just so taboo. Students will be able to learn about topics ranging from “sexuality, witchcraft, cannibalism, human-animal relations, madness, and death” discovering just why these subjects are so controversial and what would happen if you chose to violate them.

The Sociology Of Miley Cyrus

There’s a high chance at some point during this course you will find yourself having to write the word twerk. Our final addition to the weirdest college classes invites you into the world of Miley Cyrus described by the prospectus to have gone “from Disney queen to twerking machine.” Students will have the opportunity to run a case study on Miley exploring themes about race, gender and identity in the media.

Would any of the weirdest college classes on this list take your fancy? Let College News know!

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