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Miss Connecticut Becomes Miss USA

Corey Demaline

Miss Connecticut takes the title as Miss USA

Erin Brady says goodbye to East Hampton and hello to Manhattan

Fifty-one beautifully ambitious women competed for the winning title of Miss USA, and after the highly anticipated results, Erin Brady of Connecticut claimed the title.

Erin Brady, 25, graduated from Central Connecticut State University and majored in finance with a minor in criminal justice. It’s safe to say the newly crowned Miss USA won’t be returning to her accounting job tomorrow; or ever again. The East Hampton resident will be moving to a dazzling new apartment located in Manhattan.

Not only will Erin Brady be traveling the globe to raise awareness for breast cancer, Miss USA will also be an advocate for children who suffer effects from drug and alcohol abuse. During an interview with The Associated Press, Brady says, “I grew up in a family influenced by that and I think it’s really important to help the children of families that are suffering from those problems.”

As a child, Erin Brady wasn’t involved in the pageant world. Like every little girl’s dream, she danced around her swimming pool pretending to be Miss America. Her sister Audrey, 20, described memories with their grandmother who would direct them in pretend shows at home.

Since Brady’s career plan never read anywhere about becoming the next Miss USA, her family was a bit surprised when she informed them of her decision to enter the Miss Connecticut pageant.

“She just went up there on a whim, man. But it was like, ‘Just go for it. There should be more people like you who are competing, where it’s not all about the hair and the makeup, but personality too,’” Audrey said during an interview.

Brady has every intention of proving the stereotype surrounding the pageant world wrong. Given her background, Erin Brady may just be the right woman for the job.

“I think that now more than ever, they’re accepting that we’re all intelligent individuals and that it’s really not a stereotype,” Brady said.

With the support of her family and loving fiancée, Tony Capasso, Erin Brady will represent the U.S. this winter in Moscow at the Miss Universe pageant. But for now, the new Miss USA will find herself at the gym and catching up on her beauty sleep before taking on the next steps in her bright future.

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