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Scumbag Steve no longer just a meme

Kara Menini

Scumbag Steve

Poor soul who was dubbed Scumbag Steve has made a rap persona out of it

Scumbag Steve is finally cashing in on his unintentional internet fame. Blake Boston, also known as Scumbag Steve, has given the internet world a gem of a music video capitalizing on his meme fame.

Scumbag Steve is that guy who mooches off of everyone and is an all around douche. The Scumbag Steve meme started with a picture of Boston, who was obviously caught off guard by the photographer, looking flushed, dazed and wearing a brown and gold hat, tan shirt, and an assumingly faux-fur coat that was apparently used as part of an album cover for Boston’s rap group, Beantown Mafia, reported Mashable.com.

Scumbag Steve memes could easily span 500 pages and the white lettering that captures a variety of social douchbaggary like: “Pukes on something, disappears” or “Loves Scarface, never seen it” or “Lets buy a shot, wallet’s empty.”

Now the real Scumbag Steve has produced a song and a video about his internet persona. The quality of the music is surprisingly good, but the music video is not-so-surprisingly bad.

Boston claims that the Scumbag Steve persona has actually helped him out, “You can always come up [with] different scumbag stuff that people do. Putting it in the first person is a little bit easier. At the same time, it’s still reaching people who are interested in what Scumbag Steve is all about.” Though Boston claims his internet persona is nothing like what he’s like in real life, but he did say, “Everyone has their scumbag moments. Even before Scumbag Steve happened, I maybe had a couple too many drinks. But right now, it’s more about Scumbag Steve as a character. With the whole persona of the CD, yeah, I’m going to sing about scumbag stuff to do.”

Boston’s rap name “Black Boston AKA Scumbag Steve” is scheduled to release one song with a music video to iTunes every Thursday, until whenever he feels like stopping. The entire album is available for free on his website.

Check out the song for yourself!

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