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Colorado Cakeshop Must Bake for Gay Couples

Editorial Staff

Courts order Masterpiece Cakeshop to serve all clients regardless of sexual orientation.

Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, refused to bake for gay couples base on his religious beliefs.

Masterpiece Cakeshop, located in suburban Denver, has recently been ordered to bake for gay couples, despite the shop owner’s religious beliefs.

Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, argues that serving gay clients violates his personal beliefs as a Christian. However, the legal system has ruled otherwise, ordering the Christian shop owner to serve all clients regardless of sexual orientation.

A complaint against Masterpiece Cakeshop was filed by the American Civil Liberties Union. The complaint was filed with the Colorado Civil Rights Commision on the behalf of David Mullins and Charlie Craig, a gay couple who attempted to buy a wedding cake from Masterpiece Cakeshop in order to celebrate their wedding.

Judge, Robert Spencer of Colorado delivered a verdict on the case Friday. According to Spencer, Masterpiece Cakeshop will receive fines if it persists in refusing to serve gay customers.  

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