Apple has purchased the Chomp app for iOS, leaving the public with several questions.
Apple has decided to purchase the app-search service Chomp, according to eWeek.com
The app, which will be free, can help users find an app they would like, based on what an app’s function.
According to Bloomberg, Apple paid about $50 million for Chomp, though Apple would not answer any questions about the sale other than it took place.
A spokesperson told Bloomberg, “We buy smaller technology companies from time to time and generally don’t comment on our purpose or plans.”
Several inquires have been raised like whether Apple will keep the app in its entirety or conform it, and no word has been released as tohow this purchase will effect Chomp’s current relationship with Verizon Wireless, who uses the app to power its Android app searches.
Chomp will help customers naviagte the 550,000+ apps in the Apple store.
Data taken from January showed that Chomp’s top downloads Android apps included: Pandora, Go Launcher and MP3 Music Download Program- all free.
The top iOS apps were not the same- but still free to users. They included: Words with Friends Free, Temple Run, Facebook and Instagram.
According to eWeek.com, “86 percent of the search inquires used by Android devices in January were by the app function, versus 14 percent by the app’s name.” Nineteen percent of Apple iOS users searched for an app by name as oppose to the 81 percent by function.
This recent purchase will hardly breaks Apple’s pockets, given their cash flow is far from small.
Apple CEO Tim Cook told shareholders during an annual meeting on Feb.23 that Apple would be working on new products that will “blow your mind.”