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Brad Paisley battles religious extremism with selfie power

Jess Smith

The selfie will cure all

Country superstar Brad Paisley had a run in with resident batshit religious extremists, Westboro Baptist Church members and took one of the most hilarious selfies in the history of selfiedom. Since the crazed loony-toon group is based out of Kansas, it came as now surprise when they got out of their bed of hate, picked up their offensive signs and marched over to the Cricket Wireless Ampitheater.

Paisley made his way outside where a smiling Westboro Baptist member help up a sign that said “God Hates Drunks” and took a selfie with a fact that looked like he was doing his best to capture the true insanity of a Westboro Baptist Church Member.

Paisley posted the picture on Twitter with a caption that read “Westboro Baptist Selfie!! Or west-Burro(ass) selfie. Hopefully, they can hear the show out here. We’ll play loud.” Who knows maybe selfies at Klan meetings will end the KKK. 

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