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Kris Humphries giving Kim Kardashian Hell?

Elif Geris

Kris Humphries wants a trial so he can move on

Kris Humphries wants a trial so he can move on

Reportedly trying to maim Kim Kardashian’s career is Brooklyn Nets player Kris Humphries.

Kardashian referred to Kris Humphries as a “cancer” who emotionally drained her, and whom she refuses to let walk away without showing him who is boss.

Kardashian alleged that, “He told our producers he would destroy my career and me if the show wasn’t edited right,” adding, “It’s all on camera and it’s going to backfire in his face.”

The famed reality TV hottie hopes the outtakes of Keeping Up with the Kardashians will prove to the judges involved in a probable divorce trial how “manipulative, vindictive, petty” and “fame-hungry” Kris Humphries is.

According to, Kris Humphries plans to use evidence involving Kanye West against Kardashian.

But also according to, Kris Humphries is not about to let this divorce affect his career.

In the meantime, West defends long-time buddy and new girlfriend, Kardashian in his song, “I Wish You Would/Cold.” Not only does he defend his new love interest, but he also bashes Kris Humphries in the song.

A Kris Humphries source said, “He is focused on the upcoming NBA season and wants to leave all the childish games to Kim & Kanye, and he is happy moving on from all her bulls—t.”

Focusing on his $24 million contract with the Nets will help Kris Humphries move on from Kardashian. blog contributor Andrew Lu wrote that, “While Kris Humphries may have strategic reasons to take the Kim Kardashian divorce to trial, the decision could be motivated by spite as well.”

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