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Common resume mistakes and how to avoid them

All done!  You’ve finally finished writing your first resume.  Just make sure you didn’t make one of more of these common resume mistakes.

Resume Mistakes: Too General

If your resume lacks focus and is simply based on a generic template you stole off the internet— that’s a common resume mistake and don’t expect to get a call back from a potential employer.  If your resume looks like you just copied it from somewhere, employers may sense your work ethic will display similar qualities. You want to give your employer something substantial that focuses primarily on their needs- but also your own too. 

Resume Mistakes: lack of relevant keywords for every job

Using the same sentence for your objective statement on every form of your resume is one of the most common resume mistakes. Change the objective statement every time you apply for a job, using keywords relevant to each company. Employers and human resource representatives scan resumes for specific keywords that represent what they’re looking for in an applicant. Sometimes HR representatives don’t even read the rest. So make sure to include the keywords that will make your resume pop out of the huge pile.

Resume Mistakes:  Putting skills and accomplishments at the bottom

Structure is an acquired part of resume writing, so putting skills and accomplishments towards the bottom of the page is a common resume mistake. Many people put their computer skills at the very bottom of their resume. However, there aren’t too many jobs out there that don’t deal with computer skills, so why would you put those skills at the bottom? 

Resume Mistakes:  Making it difficult to read

Make sure your resume is reader-friendly and styled in bullet points instead of paragraphs that are all jumbled together. Making your resume hard to read is a common resume mistake. Employers are often busy and don’t have time to read through small font and strange format. They simply won’t bother. So, use concise bullet points that are appropriate to the skills and accomplishments you’ve gained from previous jobs and could contribute to the new job. Avoid using phrases as “Duties included,” “Responsibilities included” or “Responsible for.”  That’s job-description language, not accomplishments-orientated resume language that sells.” Use active language and them what you actually did.

Resume Mistakes: Not checking grammar and spelling

After you feel you’ve corrected most of the information on your resume, make sure to double check all your grammar and spelling because the apex of resume mistakes is silly grammar and spelling errors. You want employers to see you as a professional and not as someone who’s too lazy to reread their own resume for mistakes.  Most employers will immediately press delete on your application if there are grammar and spelling mistakes.

Also, make sure you fix your contact information.  If you don’t have the right email or phone number, employers can’t possibly get back to you.  Listing an inappropriate email address is another big, common resume mistake. Change it! You won’t get an email back from a potential employer if your email address is or

Resume Mistakes: Final note

Resumes are the paper version of you, so make sure they are professional. Always someone read it over to give you feedback. Resume mistakes happen, but the biggest mistake would be not fixing them.

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